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What we do

F E N I C I U M Co. arises from the vision of its cofounders to foster economic and social development. We work through networks, gathering people and ideas in order to generate value propositions.
Made up of experimented mentors, representatives and professionals, our team represents a unique advantage. This allows us to offer high standard services, adapted to strategic plans coming from private sector, government and social leaders. 
With experience in multiple business areas, our team is established inside and outside Mexico. We are immersed in the social, cultural and economic sectors of each region so as to provide the most accurate ideas.


The art of negotiation

Inspired by Phoenician culture, F E N I C I UM Co. holds the ideal model of win-win agreements. Having been a civilization of strategic resources, Phoenicia was an example of long-term relationships.
Unlike other nations of that time, Phoenicians created an environment of social integration throughout trading activities. They also reached extensive areas of business partners, commercializing new products and hard-to-come-by materials. 
Besides, their ideology of sharing ideas, customs and experiences is the reason why Phoenicians are considered one of the most humanitarian civilizations of all time. 
They avoided social and political conflicts by practicing sincerity and justice. Considered as their greatest advantage, their resource management skills fostered social development all along the Mediterranean.


To become the most valuable partner for companies in achieving their expansion goals overseas, and create a positive synergy of development.  


To highly contribute to the international development of enterprises, those in expansion and in search of borderless markets.  
Mission Vision

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